What's UP, Korea?) 데이브, The world of Dave

What's UP, ST People? Hehe~
Today, I brought a posting about one of the most famous American&Korean Youtube channel!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
It is called.... '데이브 The world of Dave'.
As you can see from the title, it is a Youtube channel hosted by Dave, who is from the states and has been living in Korea for a long time.
Dave's channel has over 1.2 million subscribers (wow) and wated all over the world including Korean, American, or more.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I had posted another Youtube channel called '영국남자 Korean English man', do you remember?
If 영국남자 deals with his friends and families related to food mostly, 데이브 has particular members of friends who tend to be on the channel a lot for language or culture comparison, or does interviews with different celebrities.

 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Dave invited his videos into different categories depending on the content, and I think they are about 6-7 categories. The first two are about daily life and interview/talking. At the very bottom of this posting, there are two particular episodes I loved about! >_<
Dave does really good Korean which makes Korean interviewees comfortable~

 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
And there are 먹방(food eating) which is very very popular in Korea, and comedy ones related to his daily life.

 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
What I like the most among all the categories are those two related to English. Since he is from the states and speaks perfect American English, he gives good tips on usable English to those English learners. Pronunciation differences category is quite popular among subscribers.

 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Those are main members representing the Pronunciation differences; Japan, Korea, and China (from the left) He also has more other members from non-Asian countries such as England, Canada, France, or more.
What is the most amazing thing is that he proceeds in English all the time. I suspect he might have practiced many times, but seriously his Korean is good and very comfortable to listen to.

 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
My favorite video of Dave's is the interview with Lee Ki-hong! (Yes, I love Ki-hong hehe)
They were just so so so cute. In the interview, Dave mentioned some Koreans he did not even know how to explain in English which shows Dave's long life in Korea~
 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
My second favorite is the interview with Ma Dong-seok! Ma Dong-seok is mostly called by his fans as his nickname 'Mavely (Ma+lovely)' because he is so cute even he looks very strong. Nobody knew that he was from the states? Dave seemed so funny talking with him.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Among pronounciation differences, I loved the video with Sam Hammington, who is Australian entertainer living in Korea. I think Sam's Korean is one of the best not only because he has been living in Korea for a long time but he has such a good sense while talking in the language. This episode was about comparing different use of words between America and Australia.
Dave's The world of Dave is such a great channel for both English and Korean learners that he puts accurate and usable subtitles and the videos are so nicely edited. It should be fun for you to watch as well! Try on your free time!



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