ST Plastic Surgery) So-hee's Before & After

Today, we have an amazing transformation about So-hee!
Surgeries involved:
1) Full Face Fat Graft
2) Rhinoplasty (nasal bridge + nasal tip)
 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Before the surgery
So-hee used to look pretty even before the surgery especially when she dressed up. She also used to feel something missing, however, that she wanted to have some change on her.
What she did not like the most was the dull and glum looking face that appears more obviously when she did not make any facial expression. It happened on both front and side view and she hated people asking if she was mad at something.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
She has not bad facial shape as well as facial features (you can se her eyes are really beautifully big and wide enough) However she seemed to have a bit wide distance between eyes because of wide nasal bridge and blunt nasal tip. Her facial shape also used to appear bony and angular. Having lack of fat on face made her look older and lifeless.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
3 Weeks after surgery
So-hee got 1) Fat graft to volume up on forehead, front cheek, temple, nasolabial folds, and chin tip. Unlike her face before the surgery, the newly created volume makes her face more three-dimensional and goes well with her sharp nose.
2) When So-hee consulted Dr.Kim for her nose, she said 'I just want higher nose that does not look fake'. (probably most patients request as) Her original nose structure was not that bad so Dr.Kim made her nasal bridge slightly higher using silicone implant, reducing the wide nasal bone, and raised the blunt tip to create not to pointy but nicely projected tip that matches her facial shape.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
4 Weeks after surgery
Unlike other surgeries that just simply involves swelling, Fat Graft actually volumize the injected areas as well as causing swelling together, patients could feel more swollen if Fat Graft was done together. Fat is subsided most of grafted amount during the first month, and look at So-hee! Who would say if she had anything done? So natural!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
6 Months after the surgery
6 months after the surgery, most of swelling has been subsided and the final result comes out. Even if you were looking quite chubby during the first 1-2 months after Fat Graft and Nose Surgery, you will look much more smooth and natural once the certain amount of fat and swelling from the surgeries are subsided!

For any questions regarding price or surgery, please feel free to contact us
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