What's UP, Korea?) Gimjang, making Kimchi!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
 What did you do on the last weekend?
I went to my aunt's house for helping her Gimjang! Gimjang is the annual event of every houses in Korea that preparing Kimchi for the next year. We usually do the event during middle to end of Nov. Depending on the size of family, it could be simple or really big event that needs a lot of help. These days, young generation seems to prefer buying already made Kimchi, however my mom's generation still makes them for family's health.
I used to watch and help my mom preparing and actually doing the process of Gimjang and we always had nicely cooked pork with freshly made Kimchi on the day of Gimjang. Since Kimchi is fermented food and tates all different depending on the period of fermentation, some people prefer just freshly made one while most of people like when it is fully fermented. (it tates really good with white cooked rice!) However for the day of Gimjang, we always eat boiled&sliced pork with new made Kimchi as thanking for the hard work.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
 Gimjang makes the family gathered and strengthen our identitiy since Korean society values 'affection' in family members very importantly. Not only family members, but neighbors living near around come to help out, eat pork&Kimchi together, and we share small amount of freshly made Kimchi with them as well for thanking.
So I wento aunt's just like the photo below!
(There are my mom and aunt on the left and my cousin on the right side)
We did about 40 cabbages (regular for 4 family members a year) in 3 hours which weighted more than 100kg~ chatting and laughing together so did not feel like long time~
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
It is before mixing the prepared seasonings with the pickled cabbages! Wow, looks alot!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I was on the right side but cleared the space for taking photo!
Wow, my aunt's hands are moving busy!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
The cabbage used for making Kimchi is not what just as we buy from the market but should be pickled with salted water before mixing so that it could be fermented in the Kimchi fridge. These days, we order the pickled cabbage which makes our life simpler (hehe) but our moms used to even do pickling part as well! I can't imagine how hard that could be...once you hold the weight of each pickled cabbage, you'll see what I mean.
It is literally heavy!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Where we are doing Gimjang on is called '김장매트(Gimjang mat)' which I truly think one of the most brilliant idea ever made! We used to do mixing part in big plastic pots which was so hard to wash after but this mat is easier to wash and not heavy!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I forgot to take a photo of the result however the completed one looks like this! Since Kimchi is essential food and side dish for our meal, it will be in charge of our healthy meals of the next year! Well done!

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