What's UP, Korea?) Popular Korean TV Show with Foreign friends~!

There are 5 main public broadcasting in Korea; KBS1, KBS2, SBS, MBC, and EBS.
And there are other various cable broadcastings such as JTBC, TVN, MBC every1, or more.
Unlike the public ones which could be sanctioned if the contents are inappropriate, those cable TVs are more freely made and  deal with fresher contents we could not really see from the public ones.
Especially, cable TVs have more programs that foreign panels show up or mainly lead the show, and the two programs below are probably the most interesting and popular show in Korea now.
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
비정상회담 (Non Summit) - JTBC
It is a debate show that a panel of non-Korean men, living in South Korea, debate on various topics through the eyes of a foreigner. Ever since it started in 2014, it has been very popular and definitely gives chances for Koreans to learn other cultures as well.
Look at those gentlemen~ All panels (including the guest of the day) must wear suit since they not only talk about daily life thing but more focus on politic, economic, or what's going around the world.
The name and nationality from the left!
1) Christian - Mexico
2) Mark - USA
3) Nick - Germany
4) Oogi - Japan
5) Lucky - India
6) Guillaume - Canada
7) Jun Hyun-moo - S.Korea (main MC / anchor)
8) Yoo Se-yoon - S.Korea (main MC / comedian)
9) Sung Si-kyung - S.Korea (main MC / singer)
10) Aurelien - France
11) Zahid - Pakistan
12) Alberto - Italy
13) Wang Simlin - China
14) Alex - Switzerland

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
They have one or two topic on the day and continuous debates based on the topic. (The picture above was from Season 1) Most of the panels have lived in Korea at least more than 5 years and their Koreans are really amazing.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
There are many comparison going on which is not only good for Koreans to learn the different cultures of other countries but also such a good education for foreign living in Korea to learn what they need.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
If there is no one from the country that is mainly being discussed on the day, they sometimes invite another panel from the country so that the discussion can be done including someone from the country.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Like this! There are panels from neither Finland nor Norway, however, they were invisted to the debate since the topic of the day was 'Welfare of different countries'.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
The 3 MCs are well-known for good speaker with sense of humors, and lead the show as chairman and vice chairman. My favorite one is Sung Si-kyung as he is one of the most favored men among Korean women! (his voice when singing.... omg)

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
They also invite one or two guests mostly representing S.Korea and the day, there was Mickey Jeong who is Korean American working in Google's headquarter. He was invisted to talk about the topic 'balance between work and family'.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
My favorite one is Mark from the US and Lucky from India. They are old brother ages among them and sound quite smart when answering or giving information!

어서와 한국은 처음이지?
(Welcome to Korea) -  MBC every1
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
It is new MBC every1 program is getting popular more and more!
It is about foreign friends who never visited Korea before traveling Korea. It started with Italy, Mexico, Germany to Russia, and now India is on air. What's good about it that it gives them a chance to travel among them and be guided by the friend who has been living in Korea.
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
The first episode was friends from Italy. They are friends of Alberto who is currently joining on Non Summit(비정상회담) and probably the most famous Italian in Korea. He speaks several languages including English and Chinese, and also did really excellent job on advertising the good image of Italy in Korea.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Italian friends were not much planned for the trip to Korea however seemed to get used to the new environment as doing things by themselves. Here, they are paying wons for taxi fare.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
The second episod was about friends from Mexico and they were friend of Christian who is currently a panel of Non Summit(비정상회담). Now you see the connection? Non Summit and Welcome to Korea are quite related~!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I would say those Mexican friends were the most innocent and outgoing peeople. They tried so many different Korean cultures that not most of foreign visitors would enjoy such as trying sliced raw octopus. (But that is actually one of the most favorite food goes with traditional alcohol, So-ju!)

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Third episode was about friends from Germany and they are friend of Daniel who appeared on Non Commit Season 1. I would say German friends were the most planned people that they made detail plan where to go before in Germany.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Here with Daniel, the second one from the left. I personally liked Mario, the second one from the right, who is Italian and History teacher in Italy. He seemed to be so ready for trying new things and was so thankful for everything he did.
As reveiwing those two TV shows, I feel like wanting to travel their countries too~!!



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