ST Plastic Surgery) Full of Plastic Surgery! Check out her before after

Today, we would like to share Min-ji's beautiful make over regarding eye surgeries and breast augmentation!

From now, let's follow her story~!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Min-ji's beautiful new look after the surgery!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
She received surgeries on her eyes and breasts;
Eyes: Double eyelid surgery with buried suture method, Medial canthoplasty
Breasts: Breast augmentation with Tear-drop implants
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
 I have comparatively big butt however the upper body is quite skinny including my breasts so my body looked kinda unbalanced. Whenever I dressed up or took photos, the proportion was...not really good. I used to so envy those girls with glamorous breasts so decided to treat myself to surgeries which I needed desperately.
My eyes, as you can see, was 'asymmetrical+sleepy' that no matter how much I tried to put make-up on, they looked still dull so I decided to get my eyes done together.
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
When I heard people who received breast surgery..they all said it was quite tough after the surgery however I felt like I was the right person for a surgery. On the third day, that was the first moment I felt pain on my left breast and took painkillers. But still~ it was bearable~ My eyes got more swollen than I expected which was little disappointment.. I really loved the size or height of the folds but felt like it took so long to get healed~
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
The swelling seemed to be much more subsided compare to the first day.. but I still felt like time was so dragging. The pain I had on my left breast was all gone, yet I got cold sweat when I got something caught or was coughing. Compare to other people around me, I was definitely surgery person which felt nothing tough with the breast surgery everyone struggled with~ hehe~
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I did not even feel like if I had done the surgeries! Got stitches removed and used with the discomfort with the upper band of corrective bra! My eyes even looked quite okay that I could feel the result started to come out~ I just could not wait the final result!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I must've had thick eye make-up before the surgery however no more need of it! People around me ask where I had my surgeries done, and even those who discouraged me about getting surgeries said "You look so pretty"~ My breasts do not feel 100% like my own but the texture is getting definitely better! I did not want big breasts but just wanted the natural size that suited my body proportion which is now what I have! I actually did not mention about breast surgery and I guess people will never find it out! Yeah! 
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I can't be any more satisfied with my new look! My eyes look so defined and even big that I do not need thick eye make-up anymore~(which is the biggest satisfaction for me!) There seem to be no more swelling left on both my face and breasts. Now I am buying pretty underwears I used to wear and bikinis without worrying for anything! I definitely feel glamorous~ Thanks ST for upgrading my face and body!

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ST provides the most ideal and safety guaranteed surgery method considering overall facial balance of individual.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Tailored Nose Surgery
We provide the most ideal surgery method that suits each individual considering total facial proportion. Total process from consultation, operation and to after care is provided by 1:1 service.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Relief Care Management
Professional aesthetic equipped inside of the clinic provides after treatments to release the swelling and bruises for the fast recovery.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Medical Professionals
Precise and delicate surgery through long know-how, development of unique surgery method, and continuous research, we give the best satisfied result.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Satisfied Result
With delicate and precise surgery experiences of our medical professionals, we complete the most ideal shape of the nose that is perfectly harmonized with your face.

ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea
For any questions regarding price or surgery, please feel free to contact us
We will be always looking forward to hear from you!

Address: 5F&6F ICL Building, 590 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
(서울특별시 강남구 신사동 590 ICL빌딩 5&6)
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