ST Plastic Surgery) Male Rhinoplasty VS Male Rhinoplasty

Hello ST People~
How are you all? ^_^
Today, I would like to show you some cases of men's nose job!
The review includes the photos from before the surgery to several months after the surgery, so will be quite helpful for those who are planning to consider rhinoplasty further!
Let's go~~~~~

Male Rhinoplasty
Male Rhinoplasty
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

1. Male Rhinoplasty
Before the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Before the surgery, he used to suffer from too masculine looking appearance that made him looking rough and much older than his actual age. (Would you believe if he is still in the middle of 20's? We found it hard to believe when we first saw him too....)

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

As you can see, his facial contour is quite masculine including his nose, cheekbone, and wide bottom facial line. His facial features look nice and well harmonized however what he really wanted to improve is to look like his age (or at least similar!)

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Above all things, he had quite bony nose that had visibly crooked nasal tip and downward&big nasal tip. With some other surgical procedures, rhinoplasty desperately needed to improve his look smoother and more vital.

1 Week after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
When having rhinoplasty with osteotomy, the recovery period could take longer compared to other nose jobs since it is involving bone correction. You would have splint (the nasal bridge supporter) and some skin color bandages around the nose area mostly for 7 days. Depending on individual conditions, you could be recommended by the doctor to have it longer as a protection purpose~

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
While having the splint and bandage, you could have some discomforts with your life such as going to public areas, however would not affected with most of regular daily routine~ (but! No exercise this period! Be advised for the right period of time by the clinic!)
2 Weeks after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
With everything removed!
We actually expected more visible swelling on him since he got many combined procedures done on his nose, but he still looks fine at the 2nd week! This is really nice!
At this moment, you have nothing attached and have no discomfort with daily routine. It looks fine from outside, but inside is still recovering so taking time more and more~
3 Weeks after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Mostly, the result betwen 2nd and 3rd week have not much visible difference. People would not see you much different in recovery process but you can feel that you are becoming to breathe much easier~

4 Weeks after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
1 month after rhinoplasty, you can finally start exercising! (be advised by the clinic before doing it~) As you can see, he is soccer lover who plays it several times a week and found it most hard not being able to play it during the past weeks.
During the 1st month of surgery, your nose is still weak and could easily get hurt so we never recommend to do any strenuous exercise such as weight lifting or ball related things~


3 Months after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
You can see the overall shape of nose looks more balanced several months after the surgery. But is this the end of recovery?

6 Months after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Nope! Like other plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty takes about 6 months for its full recovery. (Depending on complicated procedures or revision surgery, it could take up to 1 year) In general, you could assume the shape you can see around 6 months is what you would get as the final result~
With sharp and straight nose, he looks awesome! +_+

2. Male Rhinoplasty
Before the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
He is in his late 20's who actually came for his under eye surgery but happened to talk about his nose as well~ He also got nice facial features however the distance between both eyes are quite narrow and the nose looks crooked from the front view.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

The height of his nasal bridge was not that low however depending on the light, he appeared to have quite flat nasal bridge. The tip was comparatively larger, round, and downward.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Sorry for the small size!
This photo seems to show the overall problem he used to suffer the most before the surgery. What change did he need?
3 Days after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Like the previous case, you have splint and some bandaging around the nose area. Since the nose got stressed inside during the surgery, silicone was inserted, and crooked bone was corrected, the splint must be needed to protect any external stimulation~
As you might know, during the beginning of the recovery, you are recommended to sleep straight since the surgical areas is still weak and easily affected!

8 Days after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea) 
After 8 days, he finally had the visible bandaging removed but only got simple bandage on the very top of the nasal bridge. You could be either have everything removed or some left like him depending on your recovery process~
Swelling happens with bruises too so patients mostly have visible bruises at this moment, but look how lucky he is! Nothing!! Good for him~
2 Weeks after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Nothing left on the nose!
People even would not be able to find what he had done!
If you still have some bruises by this time, you can do warm compressing to release the color~ Otherwise what you have to do is to wait calm~

4 Weeks after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
He did several surgeries including and loved the nose result the most!
How funny~ he did not even think about having the nose done, but not he looks a lot better than before becaused of the nose the most!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Some might say no plastic surgery for men, but that's not true! Unlike women, men do not wear make up (generally) therefore having defined facial features is very benefited~ His image looks definitely different from how he used to look like before the surgery~
3 Months after the surgery
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Then here we have his photos after 3 months of his surgery!
We found this amazing when first received this photo from him~ Doesn't he look so handsome and mature in good way? Look how defined he looks now~

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

 His nose now looks straight from any angle without saggy looking tip. He thanked us a lot for making him more confident +_+ We thank for him sharing his great review too!
ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea
For any questions regarding price or surgery, please feel free to contact us
We will be always looking forward to hear from you!

Address: 5F&6F ICL Building, 590 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
(서울특별시 강남구 신사동 590 ICL빌딩 5층&6층)

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