What's UP, Korea?) Ellen Show with Koreans!

Hello ST People~
Merry Christmas! Wish everyone had a lovely holiday with beloved ones~!
During the last 3 days of my holidays, I watched some episodes of Ellen show on Youtube~
Watching the episodes, I found some Koreans on the show!
Regardless nationalities, Ellen show introdues some talented people on it, lovely!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Before starting the episodes I'd seen on the last weekend,
who is Ellen, the host of Ellen show?
Most of people visiting to our blog might know her because she is just generally famous and favored, but I found it surprising my co-worker sitting next to me did not know her?! (I just asked her before starting posting and she said she did not know her...T_T)

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Ellen DeGeneres
American comedian

Ellen is one of the most popular and famous American comedian&TV host of the time, and has been leading the show named after her since 2003.
She is my favorite American(? hehe) as well as Conan that they seem to be the type of American I can come up with when I think about the image.
They are both very fun, smart and good speaker~!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
When you search Ellen Show on Youtube, this is the first page you can see at this moment~!
As I said previously, I found some talented Koreans on her show which made me post about them today~! Starting with~~~~~~

BTS (방탄소년단)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Let me confess. I did not even know who they were (I got the name before though..) but since after seeing them on Ellen show and their live at AMA's 2017, can't stop liking them!!! Now I got why they are amazingly popular...
Also, they are the main reason I decided to do today's posting, >_<
Ellen Makes 'Friends' with BTS!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
They were all S.Korea born boys, but seemed to well manage themselves communicating in English without interpreter~!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I've seen RM's English on Youtube before and his English is actually good!
Cannot believe he did not have any experience in living English spoken countries~!
Who is your favorite here? Mine? (V~!!!)

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
It must be so nervous to be on such a famous show as well as needing to speak in English,
but the show went alright and they all seemed to have fun!

Ellen Meets Illusion Makeup Artist Dain Yoon
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I used to study(?) or learn make-up in earlier time so I am also interested in cosmetics and makeup as well. When I was looking at her, I did not know where to look at!
Dain Yoon is famous Illusion Makeup artist and Youtuber known for her amazing illusion makeup technique. You can type her name on Youtube and find more unbelievable works of her.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
She showed up with her interpreter and answers to Ellen's questions related to her works.
Please visit her Youtube channel, the works are amazing!
Korean Beatboxer 'Bigman' Daeung Yun Wows Ellen
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I'd never heard of him but he must be well known that he could be on her show!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
He was on the show with his friend as an interpreter, did some talke with Ellen and showed his beatbox! It was like a beatbox machine, how could human sound like that?

Ellen Degeneres Show 미국 엘렌쇼 이예진 Viral Singing Star Performs 'Hello' (full)
(I did not find the official link from Ellen Show Channel)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I'd seen her on her original Youtube channel singing Adele's Hello, and she is really amazing. I would say..it is more like imitating Adele instead of singing on her original way, but still she was good and had lovely voice.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
She spoke good English and did not need an interpreter since she used to live in New Zealand for several years~ When she talks, she is just like little teen and so cute!



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