ST Plastic Surgery) Dark circle correction (Fat Repositioning with other surgeries!) #1

 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
What is Dark circle?
It is a complex condition that the color of under eyes looking darker that other facial areas. As we dealed with Dark circle few times in the previous postings, Dark circle is caused by different factors;
1) bulging fat, 2) thin skin&thick blood vessels, 3) skin pigmentation.
Not only those thress factors, but also aged skin can even make the dark appearance more severe since the groove creates the border along tear trough.
If you have one or two of the factors above with visible aging process on under eyes?
Take a look at the cases where you can find the solution for your problem~!

Case #1
1) Lower Blepharoplasty (+fat repositioning)
2) Sub-brow Lift
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Before the surgery
A woman in her middle fifties.
She had never done any surgery before, and had visible problems with her daily life.
Because of severe bulging fat and caused under eye groove, she looked much older than her own age. Not only that, but much droopy upper eyelid skin covered almost all of her double eyelids that she felt heavy while opeing her eyes or making facial expression.
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
7 Days after the surgery
The stitches below the eyebrows and under eyelids were removed yet she remained with some noticeable swelling and bruises. She would take about a week more to have them fully gone. Around 7 days after the surgery, you would not need icing or warm pressure anymore but only a matter of time.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
1 Month after the surgery
The reddish scars seem to be settled and her condition looks very fine even without make-up. (if you wear some eye make-up, it can be covered well)
The scar where the skin was incised could look reddish for the first few months and gradually disappears as time goes (takes up to a year)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
4 Months after the surgery
Where did the scars go? Also, do you see her clear double eyelids?
She did NOT have Double eyelid surgery, but just got the saggy skin on upper eyelids removed through Sub-brow Lift. Look at the absolute natural eyelids!
Also, no more sign of swelling, bruises, or discoloration on under eyes but only clear, tight, and young looking under eyes are there!!

Case #2
1) Lower Blepharoplasty (+fat repositioning)
2) Micro Fat Graft on under eyelids
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Before the surgery
Another woman in her middle fifties.
If anyone in Korea see the photos and were asked to guess how old she was, the answer would be no less than fifties. Eyes are the definite condition that reflects the age yet they old get aged the fastest. (how sad..)
The gathered fat under eyes was getting more and more severe that even caused wrinkles along the tear trough. In this case, not only the right under eyes look bulgind but the tear-trough looks even more sunken and dark.
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
7 Days after the surgery
Right after the stitch removal!
Her swelling is not that visible and the color of bruises seem to be almost gone~
The scar from the surgical incision now look very visible (since the stitches were just removed) which will be disappeared as times goes!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
2 Months after the surgery
At the second month of surgery, she already looks so settled!
She did not want to go for the upper eyelid part (which could be also effective as well) but even look so improved with under eyelids!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
4 Months after the surgery
Why don't you compare this photo and her very first photo (before the surgery)
They look totally different person. No bulging, hollowness, border, discoloration, but only flat, smooth and even colored under eyes are there! Amazing!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Next posting tomorrow, we will bring the second part of amazing eyelid corrections!!



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