ST Plastic Surgery) I've done eyelid surgery! Then what to be cautious??

Hello ST People~
I'm posting late afternoon today because I had patients from Indonesia today and was busy running around~ She got Orbital Fat Repositioning Surgery by Dr.Kim and now back to her hotel +_+ I'll be seeing her tomorrow for final checkup (she did her surgery in very tight schedule) and can't wait already!
While I was explaining precautions for the surgery, I'd realized I have not posted about precautions yet?! So today~
Precautions after eye surgeries
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
As you might know, most of eyelid surgeries are done not only by cosmetical improvement, but also should consider its functional side as well!
Which is why eyelid surgeries should not be treated as simple procedure, but need to be done by experienced doctor!!
Then what you need to be careful after eyelid surgeries???
 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
First, No drinking alcohol and smoking
This is the most basic requirement for every patients who receive surgeries.
Drinking alcohol and smoking can cause infection on surgical area especially when having stitches so that we recommend patients to be away from for at least 1 month!

 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Second, Doing icing and warm compressing!
Icing reduces swelling while warm compressing helps bruises healed better.
The period of having them are different depending on individual,
but mostly icing until the stitch removal and warm compressing after its removal.
(Icepack use for 3 days from the surgery dayhelps deswelling greatly!)

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Third, Not doing Sauna or hot bath
The places like Sauna or hot bath where the temperature suddenly gets higher is not recommended after the surgery. Also the sutured scar should be avoided from water contact!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Fourth, No makeup
A lot of women find eye makeup very important which is why they get their eyelid surgeries done~ But! Early eye makeup could cause infection on the eyes.
If possible, we recommend not to wear eye makeup for 1-2 weeks after the stitch removal!

 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Eye surgeries!
It is important to choose the right place and right doctor, but also patients must be careful on post-operative care for better&clean result!



For any questions regarding price or surgery, please feel free to contact us
We will be always looking forward to hear from you!

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