ST Plastic Surgery) Natural looking beautiful eyes~? Buried Suture Method !

Hello ST People~
Today, I'm going to show you Buried Suture Method Eyelids surgery
for who wants to natural looking eyes job!

The most part of telling your first impression 
how matter time goes is eyes! 

There're always so many clients ask about eye surgery!
Do you know the most popular surgery in Korea 
is eye lids surgery?

Eyelids surgery is divided two~

Incision method is cutting all the line of eyelids.
So the bruise and swelling could be last longer than buried suture method
However, the eyelids lasts longer too!

ST Ptosis Correction with Buried Suture Method is developed surgery
method by collaborating advantages of incision method and burial method.

It do not make incision, but make tiny hole to stitched out,
so the line is clear and natural after surgery.
Also, ST's own method of making a knot and conglutination with lines
can make define fixation so you don't need to worry about undo of eyelids!

It will be done without any incision, It means less bleeding, so
the bruises and swelling will be less than other methods!
You can go back to normal lifestyle soon, so lots of people prefer this method~

Candidates for Buried Suture Method

1. Who feels uncomfortable with incisional method

2. Who wants to have natural line

3. Whose eyelids are not thick and saggy

4. Who wants to minimize the scar and selling

5. Who wants the result not visible even when eyes are closed

Features of ST Buried Suture Method

1. Natural line

2. Tailored eyelids surgery for individual

3. Almost no visible scar

4. Semi-permanently maintained effect

5. Easily correctable line


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Next is your turn!
Get your perfect version of you in ST Plastic Surgery~!  

For Before & After photos?
Visit our website!

ST provides the most ideal and safety guaranteed surgery method considering overall facial balance of individual.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Tailored Nose Surgery
We provide the most ideal surgery method that suits each individual considering total facial proportion. Total process from consultation, operation and to after care is provided by 1:1 service.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Relief Care Management
Professional aesthetic equipped inside of the clinic provides after treatments to release the swelling and bruises for the fast recovery.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Medical Professionals
Precise and delicate surgery through long know-how, development of unique surgery method, and continuous research, we give the best satisfied result.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Satisfied Result
With delicate and precise surgery experiences of our medical professionals, we complete the most ideal shape of the nose that is perfectly harmonized with your face.

ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea
For any questions regarding price or surgery, please feel free to contact us
We will be always looking forward to hear from you!

Address: 5F&6F ICL Building, 590 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
(서울특별시 강남구 신사동 590 ICL빌딩 5&6)
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