ST Plastic Surgery) Full face makeover! / Eyes job / Nose job


Hello ST People~
Today, I'm gonna show you one of our patients' remarkable
surgery results!
She was young, natural, and pure looking 

ordinary girl that you could see from the next door~

When Hye-jin came to ST for her consultation, s

he said she was prepareing to be BJ 

so that she wanted to be more defined, feminine, and pretty face.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

 How did Hye-jin look like?

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
She had her nose job done 2 years ago (yet she is still quite young!) but do not like her nose because it does not look sharp, slim, or defined as she requested to the previous doctor to do as.
So! What was the ST's SOLUTION for Hye-jin?
1) Ptosis Correction with Non-incision method
2) Medial Canthoplasty
3) Revision Rhinoplasty
4) Breast Augmentation with Tear-drop implants 

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
The day after the surgery
She visited ST for the first treatment 

on the next day of her surgery.

She got 4 surgeries (2 on the eyes, 1 on the nose, and 1 on the breasts) 

so she seemed to be little tired on the next day 

however managed herself well with prescribed 

medications and icepacks~ Her eyes seems starting to be swollen~
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
5 Days after the surgery

She still looked swollen as well as seemed 

to have very high folds on her eyelids but the 

swelling and bruises had been greatly subsided.

 On the 5th days of her surgery, 

she visited ST and got her stitches removed on the upper eyelids.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
 7 Days after the surgery

She visited ST 3 times in total after her surgery;

 very first check up on the next day of surgery,

 first stitch removel(double eyelids) on the 5th day, 

and the last stitch removal(medial canthoplasty and the nose) on the 7th day.
Because she took good care of her scars 

and has great skin texture, her scars were 

really clear and are expected to be invisible after time goes.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
 How did Hye-jin change...?
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

The little girl with bobbed hair changed to this beautiful woman!!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
 She still has her own purity, but more matured in some way!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Hye-jin said she became really enjoying taking 

the side profile which she disliked the most before the surgery.

 Because of previous failure, she was not 

confident in taking photos from any angle especially from the side. 

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

But now? What she likes the most is

 taking photos of herself! As professional BJ, she is 

confident with her look more than 

she ever was and also gets lots of nice compliments

 about her defined styling and look.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

The folds which looked bit high in the beginning 

of healing process now look so much settled

 that no one could hardly

 tell if she did something on her eyes. 

The nose, what should we say more?

 Not only her friends ask where she did, 

but also her full of satisfaction came

 from the proved result!

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Next is your turn!
Get your perfect version of you in ST Plastic Surgery~!  

For Before & After photos?
Visit our website!

ST provides the most ideal and safety guaranteed surgery method considering overall facial balance of individual.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Tailored Nose Surgery
We provide the most ideal surgery method that suits each individual considering total facial proportion. Total process from consultation, operation and to after care is provided by 1:1 service.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Relief Care Management
Professional aesthetic equipped inside of the clinic provides after treatments to release the swelling and bruises for the fast recovery.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Medical Professionals
Precise and delicate surgery through long know-how, development of unique surgery method, and continuous research, we give the best satisfied result.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

Satisfied Result
With delicate and precise surgery experiences of our medical professionals, we complete the most ideal shape of the nose that is perfectly harmonized with your face.

ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea
For any questions regarding price or surgery, please feel free to contact us
We will be always looking forward to hear from you!

Address: 5F&6F ICL Building, 590 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
(서울특별시 강남구 신사동 590 ICL빌딩 5&6)
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