ST Plastic Surgery) Man's Fat Repositioning & Rhinoplasty (change during 3 months)

Hello everyone~
Today, we would like to share a story from In-ho who had his makeover at ST few months ago~
He met us early this year with severe complex about his appearance and desperately wanted a change for better impression. Let's go and listen to In-ho's story!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

How old do I look like?
....Um...I am only in the middle of 20's but I look a way older than my own age.
I did not like the dark impression I used to have which seemed to make me much older and depressed even when I was not.

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Unlike women, I am man and do not wear make-up, I could not cover the darkness under the eyes. Because of hollowness under the eyes, I seemed to have flat or sunken cheeks which even made my mouth bit protruded.  

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I did also have another problem which was the hooked nose. I thought my facial shape itself was okay, however the nose looked so curved and sharp which even looked more severe from the side view.  
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Wow...I am surprised about myself again..I did not notice the darkness was that severe but now I understand why people kept saying I looked tired. When I did not have enough sleep, I must have looked more dark...

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Sorry for small sized photo. I really did not enjoy taking my photos especially the side view which I felt so different from the front view.
So finally....I did surgeries at ST Plastic Surgery!
I met Dr.Kim and he carefully explained about my current situation as well as the right solution to improve it which I loved! I would say the way he talk to patients sound quite reliable and trustworthy because he gets the right point you have been complexed about but just do not know how to explain.
He recommended me several procedures
1) Medial Canthoplasty
2) Lateral Canthoplasty
3) Ptosis correction (non-incision)
4) Fat repositioning
5) Fat graft (under eyes)
6) Fat repositioning
Wow, as I listed them I did quite a lot. But basically I did my eyes and nose.





(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
This was only 2nd day of my surgery and I took a simple photo just to record my process. Not only my eyes and nose, but the overall cheek area was also quite swollen and it was more than I expected.
I was told by Dr.Kim during my visits to ST for check ups that I was meant to swell more due to multiple procedures near spots as well as humpectomy (bone shaping on the nose).
So as I was instructed, I did my best to do icing as frequent as possible!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
All of my stitches and additional supporters around the surgery areas were removed on the 7th and 8th day of surgery, and here I am on the 8th day!
Since I just had the stitches on my nasal incision removed yesterday, the nurse put a skin tape on the top for simple protection. She did it on the top of the nasal bridge as well to simply keep the swelling pressed.
This was my most exciting day after the surgery since I could finally wash face freely (I was told that I could have water contact with tape on because the stitches were already removed). It feels just sooo fresh when you can normally wash your face after 7 days of discomfort washing. I personally liked this period even I still looked bit swollen, because the swelling made my face look smoother and somehow cute~ haha~

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
This was me on the 3rd week of surgery. Nothing left on my face, but all I had to do was patiently waiting to have the remaining swelling goes away. I was told by Dr.Kim and it would take around 6 months to see the final result of my eyes and nose although I look normal from the outside.

From below, I tookd several photos after around a month and you can definitely see the smooth but clearly defined appearance of myself.
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I really would like to thank Dr.Kim and the nurses who welcomed me everytime I visited ST. They were just so warm and welcoming, and soothed me when I felt nervous about the treatments (It is funny that I went through all the surgeries and still felt afraid of post operative treatments such as stitch removal. It did not hur me after all the worries.)

 I am definitely more confident about myself and people tell me I look better too. It is not only about the facial features, but more importantly my impression looks smoother and clearer. Even though I do not wear make-up, the scars from the incisions do not show that much either. Thanks ST, thanks Dr.Kim!



For any questions regarding price or surgery, please feel free to contact us
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