Notice - ST Plastic Surgery is safe zone for "Newcoronavirus"

Notice - ST Plastic Surgery is safe zone 


 "New coronavirus"

Recent outbreak of 'new coronavirus' has been spreading around the world.

Since various patients from other nationality visit our clinic,
there are lots of worries and anxiety for visiting Korea.

To ensure our patent's safety and prevention of infection, we have prevention measures.

■ We're measuring body temperature at the lobby.

■ We're doing 2 times of disinfection of whole clinic area.

■ We placed hand sanitizer at the front desk.

■ Every patients must wear masks.

※ Also, we are very sorry that we are not providing any

 consultation and surgery to patents

 who stayed or traveled China within 50 days.

We promise to take a better care of those 

whose visits get delayed due to this issue 

when visiting us in the future.
