ST Plastic Surgery) New Year's Diet? Every Year's Diet?

Hello ST People~
How are you all~~~???
Today, look at the weather!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

We are expecting little bit of raining this afternoon, look at the beautifully(?) cold weather~ Recently, I've been assisting a patient from the Middle East and she could not even guess the temperature! When I said it was and had been -15, -16, she thought it was zero something because she never had this kind of cold therefore could not guess how it was like...

But the weather seems to be back to regular cold this week and I would love to enjoy!

When the new year arrives or about to come back, what is your first goal you wish to be happening?! Anybody come up with 'diet' ???? So is mine!!!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
I'm in my 30's and feel like losing weight is getting more difficult every year.
As you might do, I also list losing weight on the first thing to do when the new year comes but....where to start? How should we start??
I planned  diet the last year too but why am I still the same???
Today~ we would like to share how to strategically plan losing weight that never fails!!!!
Losing weight strategically!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Different New Year's events!
Be aware and plan in advance!
Most of diet should keep longer than 3 months, so you might want to be aware of the coming early year events if you want to start from January?
The beginning of the year!
I would say we are always so sure about going to lose weight in early year which could lead us the promise to become true!
But! We can never ignore the different unexpected events and you could find yourself so easily giving up... Most of diet should keep longer than 3 months unless you might want to lose 2 or 3 kg for short period of time.
During about 3 months starting from January until around April when your clothing will get lighter, you should know what kinds of unavoidable events will come to you~
 (ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Never say 'Just for today' !
There are many holidays during the end of January to the early Feburary in Korea~!
Also we have Valentine's Day on Feb 14th, Independence Movement Day on Mar 1st, Full Moon Day on Mar 2nd, and White Day on Mar 14th.. (OMG, lots of special days T_T)
Not only them, but we also have 4 days of Lunar New Year's Day from Jan 15th to 18th!
During the days, you will be surrounded by all the different temptation of candy, chocolate, rice cake soup, party, drinking and a lot more~ If you allow yourself to be free by thinking 'Just for today', it could keep on breaking the flow of diet and would see the same you again after 3 months...Oh NOOOOOOO~~~

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Delicious = 0 Kcal ??
You should resist the temptation of late-night eating and drinking that starts from the end of year to the early year!
Remember the last December! How fun we were having parties with drinking and endless eating~ If you keep continue doing them, stop it from now!
If you happen to drink, for example, try to drink less than 500cc of beear, half bottle of soju, or a glass of wine no more than 175ml. Also not eating after 9 pm~
If you happen to taste sweets given from your beloved ones on White Day or Valentine's Day? Try to eat less than 150kcal a day.
For your easy understanding, one Chupa Chups lolipop is about 20kcal. 30g chocolate is about 150kcal while a piece of cake is much more than 300kcal!!!
(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Avoid rich foods!
On Lunar New Year Holidays, we eat rice cake soup which has much more calories compared to rice... If possible, try to avoid different pancakes (or eat less!) and have more vegetables!
If you are served fruits or snacks between, of course better not to eat them a lot, but you might reduce the amount of them per day~

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
Ask ST for the solution!
If you regret a lot for what you had not done last year, you can do it this year! You can fight the temptation and get through all the obstacles~
But I know it would never be easy this year too~
Then come to visit to ST and meet Dr.Kim who is ready to advice you the perfect solution~!

(ST Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
(and I can do it too!! hehe~)



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